I went to the legislature today and visited the gallery on a pass from my MLA. I was shocked and appalled by Hector Goudreau to stand by "Operation Fleece Workers". Many have argued that the WCB is funded by employers. More BS. If workers did not go to work then there would be no WCB. There is no single larger stakeholder in this whole mess than the seriously injured worker. No other participant has as much to lose, and has everything at stake in this process. Not the least of which is his life. I know, I live under the thumb of these "Sieg Heil" bastards every day. Another baloney head waving around the "Appeals Process". B.S., I am calling your hand Hector, because that is what you are doing. You are gambling with my life. And, as we all found out on Thursday. The Shill bastards that glean the very living life and soul from productive working families, didn't like it when the table was turned. Guess what, humans don't like it when somebody else holds all the cards, and their lives hang in the balance now do they? And they are not even disabled. To knowingly target and maliciously strip a disabled human being financially and medically bare, Why? While stripping a disabled human being of all their rights guaranteed under the charter. Then with dutiful malicious intent mentally torture and attempt to inflict a nervous breakdown on another human is a heinous crime against humanity itself. These individuals acting in concert shows collusion and Culpability in a racketeering organization. The malicious maggots who have done this to innocent families should be brought to justice. Here are the pages of my first and only appeal that WCB fed into the paper shredder. Letter of Authorization, Page 01, Page 02, Page 03, Page 04, Page 05. These documents were faxed to the WCB office downtown. They fed them into their paper shredder. Fair treatment? Working dispute mechanism. Hah! That would assume that the other signatory in this process was not a evil shill bastard hell bent on using any number of dirty, misleading, malicious tricks to roadblock your appeal or any part of the appeal process. Hector, if you stand up for these clowns, your credibility is at stake. Millions are watching you defend very bad people. What kind of legacy is that? I think the good people of Dunvegan and the Peace country elected someone smarter than that. Once again the WCB cleverly downloads the integrity and reputation hit onto someone other than themselves. They do this every day, finding another fall guy is their specialty. Nevermind the fact that your caucus pals have hung a giant boulder on the back of your ski-doo on Sandy Beach. I wonder if they will dive in to save your reputation when it all starts sinking. I have been waiting for my complete file that I authorized for my lawyer 8 months ago. When my claims manager denies a medical need, why does this issue not go before a medical review panel? Rather than a shill unqualified rent-a-doc colluding with sociopath claims managers? Why do I have to go through a needlessly long drawn out shell game run by gangsters, and fraud artists? As a seriously injured worker under extreme physical and mental duress, I simply don't possess the necessary tools to go to court every time I need some medical care. I suppose I should not expect more from those who would mock democracy itself.
Monday, October 26, 2009
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