Brent McGillis: 12/01/2015 - 01/01/2016

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

WCB Byzantine Ideology has bastardized the powers given them in Administrative Law

Byzantine is a term typically associated with needlessly complex forms of government that have been created for nefarious purposes.
 Wiktionary #1 description of Byzantine says: Overly complex or intricate. a Byzantine system of regulations Ergo: Government

#4. describes Byzantine as : Of a devious, usually stealthy manner, of practice.

Byzantine is the perfect description of the hopelessly complex bogus Appeal System designed by the WCB of Alberta.
The perfect Byzantine Government TOOL created for the sole purpose of destroying human life and their families is the wanton human killing machine called the WCB of Alberta.

 The original intent of WCB bogus Law is now so horribly corrupted and distorted to fit the needs of Government workers and CRONIES of the Byzantine Govt. institutions. Stephen Harper truly embodied all of the hopes and dreams of a Byzantine government! Why do I say this? Because the nature of a Byzantine government is that it is so hopelessly complex that ONLY government insiders and CRONIES of the government are given ACCESS to their PRIVATE CLUB.
  The reason that the word Byzantine describes the WCB of Alberta so perfectly is because:

Administrative Law is like a WCB Lawyers DREAM sent from heaven. The WCB loves to tell the lie that their system is based on the Meridith Principles that are supposedly based on fairness and access to a speedy resolution of conflicts, this is not true. Nothing could be further from the truth within the WCB AB system. The WCB AB has distorted and perverted these phony principles and turned them into a Legal Insulating TOOL for blocking access to badly needed services and treatments for seriously injured workers.
Administrative Law in my opinion was created to be bastardized and distorted by hack lawyers and doctors to fit The NEEDS of WCB CRONY Lawyers and to reward the Top Performing ABUSERS within the now hopelessly complex and distorted WCB bogus Administrative Law that encapsulates the Alberta WCB bastards system.
  By fully embracing Byzantinism as a methodology to creating a bottomless pit of regulations that the WCB of Alberta has created using NO PUBLIC consultantion, is how the WCB of Alberta has fully twisted the entire WCB system to be All ABOUT THEM.
 The WCB has warped every situation they can think of into an Issue ABOUT THEM. What is so distorted about this picture that has evolved from their self-serving attitude is that EVERY doctor, nurse, specialist, administrator, consultant, advisor, lawyer, physiotherapist gets fully PAID for "Services Rendered" to Seriously Injured Workers. This is all happening in real-time as the Injured Worker is heaved onto the street and into homelessness and poverty.
The problem is that in the end, the only person who does not get a penny is this uber-corrupt bogus system of Law is that the INJURED WORKER ends up getting ZERO!
My back pain has been so bad over the holiday it has immobilized me over Christmas. More to come..I need to rest on my worn out donated bed.

When I returned to REMED (CBI Hack Store) physiotherapy to tell that I was injured from the Deep Back Massages the receptionist looked at me with the most bemused look of puzzlement when she sincerely told me and I quote, "Well, WE Got PAID." I was stunned because this seemed to be the only Attachment that CBI's Branch Outlet REMED had to me as an Injured Worker. There was no attempt to bring about a meeting with their quacky Therapist that decided to use Deep Back Massage on my Spinal Column and get me back on any kind of program. It was clear immediately that they "Got THEIR MONEY", and they were obviously indifferent in their attitude. Their "Oh well that is too bad you are bankrupt and are facing homelessness and cannot pay for your medications attitude" was shocking.
  I have always made it policy when it comes to my healthcare that if a provider hurts me and does so in a callous and uncaring manner, and treats me with indifference to the point of making zero effort to resolve their error this means that I will NEVER return to that business.

Byzantine = CORRUPTION
 Without question Stephen Harper was the KING of Omnibus Bills. Harper LOVED writing stupid legislation, it was his Governments' CALLING CARD.
 Harper loved Byzantine Government because he deliberately wrote Byzantine OMNIBUS Bills with Poison Pills deliberately HIDDEN inside these massively complex legislative Bills of Stupidity.
 I am glad that Trudeau is nixing most of the legislation that was based solely on bigotry and had nothing to do with legitimate Law making. Bigotry was the perfect TOOL for Harper because bigots will naturally whip up responses that are BLOWN way out of proportion to the issue at hand. Brian Jean is a natural student of this kind of emotional crimes against our society.
 Harper and Jean both know that when you tweak the emotional strings of innocent and unsuspecting voters that you will illicit a extremely emotional response as we seen in the Bill 6 protests.
 The WildRose don't give a shit about the needs of Seriously Injured Workers, period. That is a fact, I know because I was on the steps of the legislature on the Monday after Patrick Clayton took the hostages at the WCB in downtown Edmonton. I approached the WR as they were congregating in the front of the Leg and asked them for a pass into the gallery, and there response was a flat out "NO".

The WildRose IS the Alberta ARM of the Harper Government disguised to spread their Legislative MASS confusion across the land. Brian Jean is Harperism! Harper spread his LIES that HE would fix Ottawa. Harper LIED. To chronic liars, this is like water rolling off of the back of a Beaver. Then he dismantled Democracy in Canada.
 So you Don't Believe Me huh? Need proof? SEE: Danielle Smith and the WildRose betrayal
[Danielle and the WildRose BETRAY their followers.]
This is what Tar Sands refining PLUMES do to your BRAIN? Yeah, the Alzheimer plumes are Plumes of half cooked Tar Glop.
The MOOD Changes of Alzheimer's is like a gift from the Heavens that seamlessly fits the hyperbole and the grotesqueness of the WildRose.
 Farmers LOVE Tar Glop FALLOUT plumes, if you believe the Grotesqueness of the WildRose.
Here the "Grotesqueness of the WildRose Party" is revealed as written in the National Post.
 The Chinese secret agent known as the 'Harbin Harpoon' exposed Calgary and Canada as a country that legitimizes bogus learning centers. We now know that U of C is nothing more than a Green Stamp that licenses maroons and then turns them loose on society to spread Chaos and discrimination across Canada.
 The World leaders quickly recognized this bigotry disguised as nationalism and as such completely ignored our Prime Minister Harper as they recognized he was not leadership quality. To me when Harper was PM, he adopted the very same abusive qualities that the WCB of AB was built on. This is where I coined the term, "The Hellberta WAY!"

My chronic pain is so bad recently it has made it difficult to walk this last week. Most of my time during Christmas was spent in bed with severe leg cramping. More to come as soon as I recover enough to concentrate on something other than the pain I have been experiencing. Thks for your patience.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Canada has failed to adopt the UN Protocol on Persons with Disabilities

  I was alerted to the fact that Canada as a nation under the rule of the Harper Regime has failed disabled people in Canada for too long. Canada has avoided adopting the UN Protocols for Disabled Persons.
 Canada adopting the United Nations Protocol on Persons with disabilities would help Seriously Injured Workers and all disabled people living with disabilities across this nation if Canadians would be able to get behind this cause and sign the petition urging our government to sign the UN Protocol. Thanks and a very Merry Christmas to all.
The previous link I provided did not work, so here is the second try:
  The petition is located at and I provided the link above.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Wildrose says NDP not doing enough to combat Alberta's Fentanyl Crisis

  I read the 10 recommendations that the Wildrose has proposed to the Notley government and I can say with 100% certainty that the measures that Brian Jean is proposing will do nothing to help end this crisis. Brian Jean has no clear understanding of this drug, or the real issues that pain sufferers face. This is NOT a criminal Drug Abuser created crisis. Brian Jean and the Harper government are the primary reason that a NON-lethal drug like Oxycontin was turned into a Harper government Youth KILLING disaster.
 Brian Jean still takes his Media Releases from the Boys in Short Pants, by Staying on Harper's Message, no matter how many KIDS are killed. In predictable fashion the Police (Harperites) have crafted a POLICE response to Addiction issues. This is what cops do, and this is the proof that the Harper government was top heavy in Cops.

 Harper policies fell severely short of the needs of Canadians by failing to be based on any kind of factual evidence, science or investigation. The Boys in Short Pants simply made it up as they went. It was all concocted data, completely FANTASIZED data for Press release to the public. ALL of the Harper govt. lies about marijuana is a perfect example of Conservative Falsified Data to be used as a propaganda tool.
 Harper government policy was to tell the News Media every day that their Govt. policies were fact based, this was an extreme LIE. A conservative LIE of convenience, because ALL of the Reform Party policies were based on IDEOLOGY, much of it Alliance Christian Church Ideology.
This led to Christian Fundamentalist solutions to Islamic Fundamentalist extremists. Crackpots fighting Crackpots with expert crackpot advice. This was the propaganda that we faced during Harper's coveted Majority Government.
 Canada has never before had a PM that was responsible for the deaths of so many Canadians during his time in office. This is what happens when Ideologists are elected to our highest offices of Govt. I know because I was almost one of his governments victims, after they sent their Crackpot team of CPP Character Assassins to attack my reputation during a pension hearing.
  It was supposed to be a CPP hearing that quickly turned ugly as they assaulted my reputation with medical LIES.
  This was the Harper calling card, attack with inuendos based on ideology in a bogus meeting that had was unbeknownst to me was NOT Keeping any minutes. So there is NO record of the meeting, as such it never happened in the eyes of the government.

 That is right folks, this is a 100% Harper government triggered disaster, yet another avoidable disaster to the list of failed Harper ideologies.
This is a crisis that was born straight out of the Harper governments use of ideology over clear cut Medical evidence and expert advice from the Medical community surrounding addictions. This current Fentanyl crisis is the SUM result of the Harper Government listening to the Police Forces and to the ex-Cops within the Harper Government like Shelly Glover. Brian Jean is a byproduct of the Harper regime in Ottawa. Brian, Canadians sent a clear and resounding "Get Lost" message to Harper on October 19.
  This is in part a workplace issue because doctors are prescribing Fentanyl to injured workers, and this is a very dangerous drug. I take Fentanyl to help me cope with my Chronic Pain, it is a dangerous drug because the manufacturing QC is low. Fentanyl is 10x easier to purify and abuse than Oxycontin ever was.

The Fentanyl abuse explosion of deaths of our kids is a 100% Harper govenrment CREATED crisis. This Drug Crisis did NOT NEED to happen. The Cops and the Neo-Conservative Government of Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist fanatics who love to play GOD made this happen. This is why teenagers and young people are dying across Canada from this drug. Before Fentanyl became available, there was the widespread abuse of Oxycontin drugs in all forms. The RW Christian Fundamentalist Harper and the boys in short triggered this current crisis because the Cops have told them that drug abusers were sniffing, crushing and injecting Oxy's is what led to this massive change in pain killer prescriptions that are issued by doctors in Canada.
  The Harper government response was to ABOLISH THE SALE and distribution of Oxycontins in Canada.

   Most of the stories circulating about crushing Oxy's were untrue. The truth of the matter is that serious Hard Core Drug Abusers were using OxyContin in large quantities to ease them out of bad drug binges on drugs like Heroin, Scripted Heroin, mainlining coke etc. Drug addicts now have to rely on Fentanyl, which is a drug that is very dangerous when mixed with some of the other drugs listed and is ESPECIALLY dangerous when mixed with Alcohol. Fentanyl + Booze = Death because you will pass out and never wake up.
  So now the streets are FLOODED with Fentanyl because of the Harper/Jean government.
The Booze+Fentanyl combo can result in your heart suddenly stopping as you go into Cardiac Arrest. This drug has now SATURATED Canada because doctors now have NO other choice but to prescribe this drug for pain. This crisis is the DIRECT and deadly consequence of the Harper govt. policies. Then Fentanly finds its way to the street just as the Oxy's used to. Except now, the kids are dying on the Fentanyl because it is so damned deadly. Good going Cops and Harper now you are killing the kids and not just addicting them. (Sic)
 What a horrible legacy of the Harper Government for Canadian families whose children are dying on Fentanyl!
  This is the end product of severely skewed policies born out of ideology with zero understanding of the addiction issues that have triggered this crisis. This is what happens when ex-Cops of the Harper regime in conjunction with Police agencies across Canada craft Health Care Policy.
  Cops and conservatives have meddled in a serious Health Care issue that they obviously have no expertise in.

DRUG ADDICTION is a Healthcare issue, NOT a Policing Issue as per the United Nations.

  Brian Jean was part of the Harper government so as such he has zero credibility regarding these policies. Brian Jean was part of the Federal Government that REFUSED to engage the provinces in a meaningful debate on the future of Healthcare. The Harper Government refused to take a leading role in convening yearly talks on Healthcare and provide leadership in crafting a National Healthcare PLAN. As such the voters reacted at the polls on his Refusal to Lead as the leader of the nation.
  Brian Jean is using Hyperbole to whip up panic, I view this as the WildRose Modus operandi. The Harper methodology is identical to the WildRose hyperbole method. Obviously we failed to PURGE all the crackpots in the last election. This crisis was CAUSED by the Harper government and their abolition of the Oxycontin drugs.

 This is the result of Harper Conservatism gone BAD. The horrific result is that KIDS are DYING on Fentanyl as a direct result of the ineptness of the Harper government, before they were just addicted to Oxy’s. I have never heard of any person in Alberta who died from Oxycontin overdose. Good job Brian Jean you and Harper can wear this crisis as a badge honor that showcases  your total lack of education in Health Care matters. This is just like the Donald Trump brand of Hyperbole for political gain.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Store clerks executed in Edmonton armed robberies says Police Chief

  Early today 2 store clerks working the late shift in Edmonton, AB were mercilessly executed while working the late night shifts in 2 separate Macs convienence stores. Both these men had been working alone. It is every single working persons undeniable RIGHT to return home safely from work each day.

According to WCB of Alberta website propaganda each and every worker in Alberta has the right to work in a SAFE work environment. The grotesquely unfair policies of the WCB do NOT reflect this. The WCB AB policies reflect their slanted approach that protects Firemen, Cops and all Government Workers, period. Regular Joe, you are on your own, it is the Hellberta WAY! Discrimination is the calling card of the WCB of Alberta.

  I can remember working the late shift as a second job after the Oil Price Crisis of 1981/82. I was working at a gas station on the midnight shift. I used to lock the doors and doze off since I was working 2 jobs, customers would have to wake me by banging on the window or honking to get gas.
These workers working alone and working without any kind of barriers or locked doors between themselves and potentially violent customers at night is the Employer exposing the Workers to extremely dangerous work environments.

I can also remember that in Edmonton in the late 70's and early 80's we used to have lots of businesses that were open late night. Most late night business has dissappeared as the violent crime increased in Edmonton is my opinion. The late night gas bars and businesses closed as a result. It is now difficult to find a gas station that is open at night in this town. This is where we got the Deadmonton moniker from.

This is why people move to the suburbs to escape the vermin that proliferate the cities at night. This City Council is pouring hundred of millions into one cronies pockets, while promoting urban sprawl to satisfy junky developers. These policies net result is they hollow out the core of this city. Edmonton and their bogus panel to end poverty will never SUCCEED until the Iveson City Council ends their LOVE of CRONY CAPITALISM that is sapping city coffers, rendering the city council unable to meet budget needs.
The Police Chief Rob Knecht was on TV last week telling us his cops cannot respond in a reasonable time, but Edmonton has 2 Police Choppers and a giant Tin Igloo covered in Barn Sheeting downtown that will cost Taxpayers over $400 Million dollars. Taxpayers paid $400M to the sole benefactor Darryl Katz.

Yeah Mayor Iveson we can see how your Poverty Strategy is helping the Katz family suffer these hard economic times. With $400M how will they ever manage "Their Plight of the Rich". (Sic)

 Crony Arenas = more dead Edmontonians is the shocking truth of life in an imploding city.
Cronyism CANNOT be confused with leadership, we need civic leaders that can respond to the needs of ALL Edmontonians. This has ALL been done before in a city called Detroit. We all know how that fiasco turned out.

 The province of BC and Workers Compensation scheme in BC [WorkSafeBC] recognizes this danger and as such has specific rules and regulations governing workers who are working in isolation at night in convienence stores and gas stations. As such they require that there is locked doors or barriers between the store employees and the customers for these workers that are exposed to the dangers of working alone in the middle of the night by themselves. Here is a snapshot of WorkSafe BC webpage that has these regulations.
Images by Awesome Screenshot
4.22.1 Late night retail safety procedures and requirements
  It is time that all workers have equal and non-discriminatory protections are that offered to all Government workers here in Alberta.
Each person working in this province has the same reasonable expectation to return home safely each day from work. Currently WCB policies do not reflect this kind of equality for regular working joes.

Cops, Firemen and all government workers are currently protected, but they belong to the special club reserved for AUPE workers and Federal Govt. workers like the RCMP, City government employees like the Edmonton City Police, et al.
Yes Police Chief Knecht we are outraged, we are outraged that the Government Workers all expect to return home safely each night to their families, but the regular man on the street does not get to live this dream.
That is all it is for the rest of us, just a dream. Equal Rights and Protections under the WCB AB Act are a nothing more than a Dream for regular working stiffs in Alberta. This is where the Government workers GET their Aura of Self-entitlement, because they KNOW they have it 10x better than the rest of us in Alberta.
A dream that quickly turns into a nightmare when the WCB of Alberta focuses their Medical Abuse Team of Hacks and Quacks directly at Seriously Injured Workers.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The WCB AB and their Duty of Care as Fiduciary of the Injured Workers Fund

  The most glaringly obvious defect in the construct of the present WCB Alberta scheme is that the Workers Compensation Board under the current directives laid out by the Board of Directors is in direct CONFLICT with their duties as the acting fiduciaries of this fund. 

Fiduciary duty in Canadian corporate law

In Canada, directors of corporations owe a fiduciary duty. A debate exists as to the nature and extent of this duty following a controversial landmark judgment from the Supreme Court of Canada in BCE Inc. v. 1976 Debentureholders. Scholarly literature has defined this as a "tripartite fiduciary duty", composed of (1) an overarching duty to the corporation, which contains two component duties — (2) a duty to protect shareholder interests from harm, and (3) a procedural duty of "fair treatment" for relevant stakeholder interests. This tripartite structure encapsulates the duty of directors to act in the "best interests of the corporation, viewed as a good corporate citizen".[15]
  It has always been my opinion that the Board of Directors at the WCB of Alberta are in a Conflict of Interest, this conflict exists in my opinion by the very existence of Old PC Industry Cronies that sit on the WCB Appeals Commission. If this was such a fair and open Appeals Mechanism then the WCB Appeals Commision would publish ALL of the 40+ Board Commissioners that sit on these panels. It is well known within the injured workers groups that the WCB Appeals Commissioners are old PC Hacks that A.) Need a super well paying job B.) Will rule against legitimate Appeals from workers who the board has deemed to be targeted for abuse
  This Appeals Commission has been designed and set up by the corrupt corporate cronies of the past PC Government of Alberta, the very existence of people sitting on these boards who are Industry cronies and hacks sullies the entire bogus Appeals mechanism and renders the very existence of this Hack organization a sham and a farce. These kinds of sham mechanisms are what constitute the very heart of grievances that the Injured Workers of Alberta have been saying for years now.

  What the WCB Board of Directors have failed miserably at acting in their Duty of Care as Fiduciaries, is that they ALSO have a DUTY to represent the single MOST important stakeholder in this organization; The Seriously Injured Worker! 
  By failing in their Duty of Care, and by being in a Direct Conflict of Interest because the entire Board is accepting bonuses for denying workers access to medical treatments, medical care and medications in a timely and relevant fashion. This entire organization is a complete SHAM and the WCB of Alberta Board of Directors violates every important principle of their duties as the Fiduciary Chief Executive Officers of this corporation. The entire Board of Directors is PROFITTING from increasing the Pain of Injured Workers. 
  This is why the Farmers are so hopping mad, they want no part of this scam operation. It is deceitful and dishonest to say that this WCB organization is helping injured workers with proper, timely and relevant treatments they need, that is a bald faced lie. When you deny injured workers the right to recover and move on with their lives, you are attacking the very heart of our economy in Alberta, the one everbody keeps saying is so fragile. Alberta does not benefit from abusing injured workers, these were skilled and experienced people who can no longer feed their families as a result of these abusive policies at the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta.
  I have to rest. More to come.

Monday, December 14, 2015

WCB Rate Correction and apology

  I need to apologize for the misprint in the calculation methodoloy for the
WCB of Alberta's proposed Farm rates coming into effect on Jan 01, 2016 as per the WCB of Alberta's webpage for Farm and ranch workers. I had misprinted or misquoted the rates as the number of dollars per hour, which is an error I take responsibility for. The correct calculation method is in dollars per 100 dollars earned. For that misprint I am sorry. That is my official correction and it is the proper thing to do when you have made a published error.

 The fact of the matter is that this simple little admission of error is approximately 1000 times more sincere than any measures that the WCB of Alberta has ever made in any of their published propaganda errors over the last 20 years.
  The reason that I can make this statement is because the Workers Compensation Board could absolutely CARE LESS about any errors, omissions or any of their deliberate misrepresentations of fact they have made in the last 20 years. The WCB of Alberta does not NEED to apologize for any of their abusive practices since this organization has NEVER been accountable to the Government of Alberta or the citizens of this province who pay their salaries. The WCB AB have been empowered with Legislative Powers that go far beyond what any bureaucrat should EVER be entrusted with.

  That is in essence the reason that the WCB AB needs to make no apologies, or retractions since they are allowed to operate at arms length from the government; and in doing so are allowed to dole out abuse with cognitive malice and without fear of any reprisals from government officials. Since the WCB AB claims to be funded by the employers, they do not believe they any owe any Duty to Accountability or fairness. The WCB AB believes that they do not have to be accountable to anybody, except the Corporations that contribute to the fund.
  This is a really strange attitude coming from the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta given that they were given the powers of a court of Law to resolve disputes and to keep the litigation costs artificially LOW because there are NO Lawyers in Alberta that are interested in taking on a WCB Case. The WCB of Alberta is in technical terms a fiduciary institution. As such they owe a Duty of Care to the Injured Worker as he is the #1 Stakeholder in this tragic organization.
 No casual observer would be able to confirm this Duty of Care that the WCB of Alberta is entrusted with, given their horrific treatment of Seriously Injured Workers over the last 20 years since Ralph Klein implanted Dr. John F. Cowell as CEO of the WCB of Alberta. Thus was born the John Cowell WCB MIRACLE, that seen the WCB of Alberta costs SLASHED in half in one year! Dr. Cowell knew if the WCB were to simply STOP TREATING Injured workers the WCB would save Millions.

The CEO John Cowell WCB Miracle would result in his crony appointment by
Fred Horne on Sept. 12, 2013 effectively becoming the Alberta Health Services CZAR, as the sole Administrator. That is your AB history of Cronyism lesson for today kids. 

  The WCB of AB is a Fiduciary and is in charge of a very large financial fund funneling BILLIONS of dollars into the Fund to be held In Trust. This Trust Fund was originally intended to help seriously injured workers with their medical bills and medical recovery needs, but it has morphed into an abusive TOOL that is wielded with inpunity for the express purpose of defrauding Seriously Injured Workers out of any benefits at all. This is a travesty of Justice that exists within this super corrupt WCB Scheme that seeks to deny the most basic of needs to injured workers.
  What does the existence of such a super corrupt organization like the WCB of Alberta SAY about the Judicial System in Alberta? It says the entire Judiciary branch of the AB Government is corrupt is what this fact reveals, and eradicates any kind of fair treatment in the Alberta courts.
  Need proof? See: Travis Vader
  I have always said that the PC Party of Alberta created this WCB model of robotic responses for serious questions of a time critical nature that require real-time fiduciary responses. As you will recall from the WCB Media-relations press releases about the Patrick Clayton hostage takings, the WCB Alberta always "Stayed on Message" like the Harper govt. Ad-nauseum since 1995.
  The WCB Alberta has been spewing the same Robotic Press Release since 1995 the year that
Dr. John F. Cowell served as the CEO of the WCB Alberta under Ralph Klein. The PC's resurrected Dr. John F. Cowell from his crony grave and he became the SOLE CEO of Alberta Health Services.
Alberta WCB has been lying about the 85% of the WCB  claimants they "CLAIM" are HAPPY with the service delivered by the WCB of Alberta. The WCB and Guy Kerr have NEVER apologized for the biggest lie ever told in Alberta. The WCB of Alberta has never apologized for their monster lie that they were going to expose the biggest offenders on their website. My injury was not even on their site, it is all just MORE WCB Alberta propaganda. This is another example of how the WCB of Alberta simply does not include information they don't happen to feel is relevant on that particular day.
 I have to rest my pain level is extremely high during these winter storms, and that leads to Chronic fatigue. More to come. Chronic Pain does not take any days off, nor does it take any hours off. Chronic Pain is 24/7 it is debilitating and it wakes me up at night, this is why on evenings when I can I add to my blog. The Spinal Arthritis that pulses out from my spine is so bad some days I just want to scream. I need to move to a warmer climate, these winters are literally killing me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

WCB is OF the Corporations and FOR the Corporations

  The AB WCB is a product OF the Corporations because the Corporations are the ONLY ones ever allowed into a WCB Consultation meeting! I am shocked that they even told the Farmers about the location or the dates for these phony consultations. I was told the very first year after I fell that
A.) I was not on the guest list, B.) I was not invited! C.) You are NOT a recognized "Stakeholder"
After I was cut off of benefits just 6 months after I broke my back in a fall at work, I decided, "Hey, why don't I go see what one of these stakeholder meetings is all about". I was told to leave.
So the LIE that Farmers will be included in these phony consults is just nothing more than pure Propaganda by the WCB of Alberta. This is HOW the WCB of Alberta misleads the people who have the most at stake and who stand to loose the most, is by holding BOGUS consultations across Alberta!
  If the WCB is actually listening to stakeholders now, that would be a shocking turn around in this Legal Hack organization that is empowered by the Hacks and Quacks Network of bogus doctors supplied by the College of Physicians. If you don't know, the College is a lobby group for private Health care.

  Today I met a farmer at one of the local farmer's markets here in Edmonton and we got to talking about Bill 6. He was hurt in a workplace accident just like myself, and he received a bad back injury. He told me that it took the WCB of Alberta TEN YEARS to finally help him. His account of what happened after he was injured mirrored my experience where the WCB AB would only expose him to Hacks and Quacks crony WCB doctors. This is a common thread amongst Seriously Injured Workers here in Hellberta. Farmers KNOW how the WCB operates, and he as a farmer is NOT interested in allowing those WCB/OHS people onto his property. He said the WCB of Alberta finally paid him out only 10% for his disability, saying that it only affected his one leg.
  But more importantly we got to discussing the WCB of Alberta itself as an organization, and we are both of the same opinion that the WCB is ONLY in business for the Corporations and nobody else, other than of course the Government Workers that are guaranteed benefits in their Union Agreements.
The Alberta Government is the LARGEST EMPLOYER in the province of Alberta and as such they are guaranteed benefits, so the Government Employees and their Unions like Cops, Firemen and bureaucrats naturally feel as though they are served well by this super corrupt organization.
  We were both in agreement that we feel that this Bill is the means by which the large American Corporations will wield this government mechanism to bring about the END of the Family Farm in Alberta.
 If you look at every other Industry that the PC Conservatives have tampered with, they have in EVERY instance chosen to make a small group of their cronies into the beneficiaries as owners of the new MONOPOLY in the industry they have chosen to corrupt.
  This instance is no different, the only difference is that the Corporations have cleverly manipulated the NDP Government into being the "Bad Big Brother" government agency that the WildRose is using to their full advantage for political gain. WildRose is the political benefactor of Bill 6 and the NDP will be remembered as the government that pounded the Final Nail into the Family Farm coffin in Alberta, that is the political fallout of this bill.
 The Farmers can easily recognize that injured workers have failed miserably at reverse engineering the Laws of the Land, and they also know that the FARMERS will never be able to rescind the Laws once they are written. This is WHY we need to KILL Bill 6!
 There is NO worker in history that has managed to rewrite the WCB LAWS to correct wrongs by this super corrupt corporation. Injured workers have never changed ANY WCB Policies.
  It is important to recognize that the WCB has never in their history "ALLOWED the Public to be Consulted!" That is a fact. NO PUBLIC CONSULTATION is the "Modus Operandi" for the WCB of Alberta. This is how they operate, the WCB AB don't WANT any of the people the claim are  "Stakeholders" to have any input. When the WCB of Alberta indentifies you as a "Stakeholder", this means hang onto the tops of your rubber boots and bend over because the WCB of AB is about to drop by and give you a Stakeholder inspection!
  The WCB could care less about your opinon or the opinon of any other Albertan, consultation is not  how they manage to wantonly ABUSE injured workers. Consultation would reveal that the majority of claimants are not happy and never were, the WCB of Alberta does not want these FACTS leaking out.
  Like I said the WCB is of the corporations, and is designed FOR the biggest Transnational Corporations operating in Alberta. The Farmers can see this and they don't like what is coming down their driveway. If you are Turkey shooting when they show up, tell them that you did not want to "Raise your voice" cuz you thought you might scare them. AB Govt. workers have "Zero Tolerance for Loud Voices" in their work environment. God, these govt. people would be of no use on a Farm, right?
 Safety First: So for the protection of Govt. workers that are afraid of loud voices it is best if you don't holler any warnings, for their own protection you understand.
  You see that Lay-a-bout Government workers are not able to comprehend "Loud Voices" directed at them because of their pampered life styles the enjoy working for a government emloyer who is NOT allowed to FIRE their lazy asses. I have always said that when they put up those Zero Tolerance signs in Govt. offices, now you have empowered these people to Act like GOD!
  Injured workers know what it is to be told by WCB personnel that THEY ARE GOD! Nice huh?
And THAT is how the WCB of AB manages to Marginalize claimants and ban them from their property, is by their Loud Voices policy. But they can phone you at home and yell all they want at YOU?
  First the WCB enrages you, and then they MARGINALIZE you, it is their MOST important and effective TOOL to deny you your rights as an injured worker.

 Just tell the WCB Employees (OHS) that the light switches in the barn don't work and this will be enough to scare them from ever looking inside the barn.
 The Lazy do-nothing Home Care people sent by the WCB told me it was Too Dangerous for them to go down the stairs", but it was OK for me to climb the stairs everyday by myself after surgery while the do-nothings stood at the top of the stairs watching!
The Lazy do-nothing WCB Homecare people did not even SHOW UP for 4 days after I was released from the hospital, the WCB AB is a damn poor excuse for Injured Worker care that is for damned sure.