Brent McGillis: 10/01/2011 - 11/01/2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The WCB Millard and my WCB Alberta Claims Manager Kim Kroetsch use threats and co-ercion to deny me treatment @ the WCB Millard Health Center

This is what they did to me. First of all, once you enter the WCB Millard Health Center they make you sign documents, then you get to meet one of their KOOK doctors. In my case it was Dr. Renchko, he mocked my broken back by telling me that "Lots" of people have steel parts in their bodies. I retorted, "Not in their Spines!"
Then the next day it was off to see the education people who on the surface seemed nice enough, until their education counselor met with me and gave me a "Job Add" for a forklift operator. What a joke, I told her I already had a job, it was called being a Pre-Engineered Ironworker.
Then it was off to meet their FCE (Functional Capacity Evaluation)Evaluator, she also seemed nice enough but completely ignored me when I showed her I could not stand straight up when I had a package in my hand crouching down. I demonstrated to her that the "ONLY" manner in which I could stand up holding weight in my hands was to rotate and turn my right knee to the right. I clearly demonstrated this to her. I had also told her about my neck problems that I had been experiencing since the day I was "evicted" from the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton.

Dr. HongXing Jiang had repeatedly refused to look at either my neck or my knee. He told me that he was only being paid to fix my back!

Just imagine, you too can be treated like shit @ the Royal Alex Orthopedic Surgery Center.
This is what privatized medicine in Alberta looks and feels like.
This is what happens when WCB AB dictates all Alberta Health Services surgical protocols in the province of Alberta.

I had asked the WCB Millard woman doing my FCE if she was writing down my physical problems. She stated, "There is nothing on here about those injuries".

It is interesting to note that immediately after the WCB Millard bogus Health Center woman completed my FCE, she led me into a room with no windows. But the room did have microphones and cameras mounted in the room.
She told me that I had to sign legally binding documents that stated that I was only there to have my broken spine treated and that I would be forbidden from claiming any other injuries.
This is the kind of fraudulent behavior that goes on @ WCB Millard Health.
It told her, "Why don't you sign them?"
She returned after sometime conferring with her crooked legal pals and co-conspirators and told me that I did not have to sign the documents.
"No Shit Sherlock", I told her.

The WCB AB Millard Health Center did with full knowledge and with willful malicious intent, use threats and co-coercion to force me to sign legally binding documents.

The WCB Millard Health did deliberately use threats, coercion and intimidation in their process of cutting me off of benefits. The WCB Millard Health routinely use these fraudulent techniques to intimidate seriously injured workers, who are under extreme physical and mental duress as a result of their injuries. The WCB Millard Health repeatedly uses threats and intimidation to force seriously injured workers into signing legally binding documents.

Note: I was not aware at the time of my abuse @ WCB Millard Health Center, that Dr. Leslie DeLima was making decisions regarding my care while I was heavily sedated with Morphine, and was determining precisely what injuries the Alberta WCB would allow the Royal Alexandra Hospital to treat.
I did not find out until later that Dr. Leslie DeLima is a WCB Alberta Doctor, working in the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

So in reality, you are screwed from the day you get injured in Alberta.

If you are an American who is injured while working in the Oil Sands, have yourself flown to a Hospital in the United States immediately, for proper treatment!

Do not wait for the Alberta WCB to instruct the Alberta Health Services to fly you to the Royal Alexandra Hospital, where Alberta Health SCARE Services is working in 100% co-operation with the Alberta WCB Kook Doctors who are working diligently to commit heinous Health Care Fraud on YOU. You do not have enough money to fight these felonious bastards once they have committed these medical Health fraud schemes against you.

Do you want to know why Alberta Health Scare is so Fubar in Alberta? Because they are too busy trying to defraud seriously ill and injured workers, that is the WHY.

This is why they created the SUPER BOARD to spread the WCB Alberta CONTROL of Alberta Health Services across the entire health care spectrum in Alberta.

I believe that Alberta Progressive Conservative fascists are super corrupt and have designed this "Health-Scare" system to insure that hard working Albertans do "NOT" receive proper medical treatment for their injuries when they are hurt at work.

Because the Alberta WCB refuses to help me, I am consigned to injections to kill the nerves in my neck with Botox & cortisone shots for the rest of my life.

These crooked Alberta WCB bastards decided that I did not need my neck treated. I would never knowingly sign my rights over to the Alberta WCB crooks. Like WTF, who the hell wants to live in the shithole province of Alberta, when they gleefully treat our own citizens this way?
Is Dr Hong-Xing Jiang a Hack WCB kickback Surgeon? We will never know because Dr. Hong-Xing Jiang refuses to ever see me or write a legitimate diagnosis or long term diagnosis on my condition? I waited for a year after my doctor referred me to Dr. Jiang and he wrote 4 words in his assessment. Surgery will not help, was his assessment. Is this guy for real, Citizens of Alberta are expected to respect this man as a Surgical Spinal Specialist? C'mon who the hell are the PC's trying to fool? Is he one of the WCB Alberta hired Hack Surgeons? Does he owe the province of Alberta for bringing him here so he is forced to perform their WCB Alberta hack surgeries? Are the WCB AB & AHS threatening to send Dr. Jiang back home to China if he speaks out about these WCB Alberta Abuses? These are valid questions, that need legitimate answers. The evidence implies that a reasonable person with completely reasonable control of their faculties could only conclude that; not only did Dr. Jiang knew about the deliberate Health Care fraud being perpetrated by the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta, but because he refuses to come clean on what happened when I was admitted to the Royal Alexandra Hospital, that he was likely complicit.

Don't worry though there is NO danger of this reaching a court of law, because the WCB AB system is set-up so that you will spend YEARS upon YEARS being screwed by the WCB Appeals Commission and you are likely to die before you ever get a chance for timely legal tort remedy in Hellberta.

The question remains about the Royal Alexandra Hospitals role & involvement.

Save yourself lots of pain and suffering and "DO NOT GO TO the Royal Alex Hospital", for orthopedic surgery.
I was born in the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
I am living proof of what Shitty Fraud the Royal Alexandra Hospital will commit against you, as an injured worker.
You will be lying in bed dying in pain with a broken back, while the Hospital and the WCB Alberta conspires to screw you for "LIFE". This is how the Royal Alexandra Hospital's Orthopedic Surgery unit works, so
BEWARE! You have been forewarned.

Warning: U.S. Citizens do NOT allow them to take you the Royal Alex Hospital for treatment of your injuries. all citizens living and working in Alberta have the legal right to go to the hospital of their choosing. All rich Right Wing White Conservatives know this, and will never be caught alive or dead with the walls of the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

The heinous and malicious treatment I received at the Royal Alex Hospital Orthopedic Center raises some interesting legal questions: A. What kind of privacy laws are being violated each and every day
@ RAH?

I never signed any papers allowing the WCB of Alberta to make medical decisions on my behalf. If the Royal Alexandra Hospital Orthopedic Surgery Center tricked me into this type of signing under sedation, then they did so with malicious intent to a severely injured human who was under severe physical and mental duress.

There are a ton of truly disturbing legal questions that arise from my treatment by the Royal Alexandra Hospitals Orthopedic Clinic, and how they have abused me medically by refusing to ever see me again as a patient. And of how they[RAH] and the WCB ab are working in collusion to block ANY subsequent referrals to other legitimate orthopedic surgeons in the province of Alberta.

There are some severe PRIVACY issues arising from my abuse by the Royal Alexandra Hospital's Orthopedic Clinic.

If you go to this[RAH] hospital for orthopedic surgery and it all goes sideways, then you deserve what you get.

I was always suspicious of the first time I met him after surgery and every subsequent meeting with orthopedic "DR. PAIN!" He kept repeating, "Ahh, yu tu yung to retire!" It seemed like an awfully strange thing for an orthopedic doctor to say. Why would he say such a thing, knowing full well that the success rate of Spinal Fusion of the Lumbar is only about 40%. That is in terms of the victims of this surgery that will make a full recovery and return to work. Even those numbers are not accurate, since the Workers Compensation Boards of North America do not divulge their true statistics & data.

This is precisely why there is never going to be any possibility that you will receive either a fair hearing or fair treatment by the elaborate Government Sponsored Bogus Workers Compensation Scheme! EVER! This is Hellberta, and the corrupt political party in power known as the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta will never, ever allow any person to investigate this horribly corrupt bogus Workers Comp scheme. Why? Because Alison Redford who was the Justice Minister, is now the Premier. So in typical corrupt Conservative Party practices, she has decided to suspend the legislature. What a cruel trick on Democracy. She received evidence of corruption at the Appeals Commission on her desk. She returned a signed letter stating "There was no evidence!". I seen this evidence with my own eyes, and since she in her high office of power decided to "Look the other Way", that in my mind means that she is Corrupt. Right to the very core. This is standard operating procedure[SOP} for the string of do-nothing Justice Ministers who have occupied her Justice Minister office. If she was not, then they would never have allowed her to take over as the Premier. The only reason that she was made leader of her party is because they ( think that another broad will surely win the next election against the opposition parties.
And that is why you will never win against the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta.
I always thought that my case would culminate in a courtroom, and be able to tell my story to a Judge.
But, that will never happen, because the super crooked and corrupt Guy Kerr with full knowledge and control of the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta is too much of a crooked bastard to loosen the screws on seriously injured workers, even on little bit. He hides like a bug.
The super corrupt Conservative Party of Alberta will never help the little guy. Never happen!
So, let us review.
1. You are stupid enough to be taken to any of the Hospitals in Edmonton that are run by the large American Private Hospital Management Groups, and you are screwed from the day you enter their front door. Because they are working in full parity with the Workers Compensation Board and allowing Worker Compensation Doctors to make decisions regarding your own personal Medical decisions while you are in their Hospitals
2. You are sent home with "ZERO" support.
3. Your corrupt Surgeon who takes kickbacks for "NOT TREATING YOU", is on the payroll for the Workers Compensation Board.
4. Your Surgeon working in conjunction with Alberta Health Services, and the WCB AB will never allow you to see him or any other "Orthopedic Surgeons" ever again, in the province of Alberta.Never!
5. After 6 weeks of physiotherapy the Workers Compensation Board sends you to their super corrupt Millard Health Center, where they will complete their Medical Fraud against you.
6. After the Workers Compensation Board in concert with the Millard Health Center are done threatening seriously injured workers with termination of benefits, they will use any number of other fraud tools to ensure that they[WCB AB] exercise the maximum amount of coercion and intimidation against the claimant to FORCE claimants under duress, to sign Legally binding Documents.
7. Finally, you will be cut off of Workers Compensation Benefits and all medications and medical treatment forever in the super shitty province of Alberta.

WOW, what kind of sycophant would employ such tactics? Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Guy Kerr, who else?
It is interesting to note that all these sociopathic employees of the Workers Compensation Board, all hide like bugs. Have you ever noticed this? It's true, they are so petrified that if they hang out on any social networks that really pissed off injured workers will track them down. They run and scurry from the light[Justice] like Cockroaches, have you ever noticed this?
They[WCB} all hide inside their "ROACH" motel, in downtown Edmonton, sucking the life out of hard working Albertans.
And this is why you will never be treated fairly by the WCB ab, it is impossible since the super corrupt PC Government has so entrenched corruption into our HealthScare system in Alberta that you will never win. Not in a million years.
It is a crying shame that this is what our Democracy has come to. We here in Alberta are living in a fascist run "Demockery", sad, truly sad.

I live for the day when a pissed off Alberta WCB claimant gets a hold of the sociopaths employee list. Releasing it on WikiLeaks would be priceless. Man will I laugh on that day! Can you imagine the panic that would permeate the Cockroach Motel in downtown Edmonton? Now that is what I would call Irony.

Wanton abuse of their information seems like an appropriate amount of Justice.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WCB Millard Health Center routinely use "Threats and Coercion" to intimidate Claimants into signing "Legally" binding documents!! BEWARE!

This is another sinister tactic employed by the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta, to trick seriously injured workers into signing legal documents, thus guaranteeing that claimants can never have their claims properly assessed or treated.
The WCB Millard Health Center is the perfect platform for launching these heinous crimes against seriously injured workers in Alberta.
Because the claimant[patient] who is in dire need of medical attention and a paycheque to support their families are in a corner, either they take what ever baloney sandwich is being thrown at them by these devious sycophants, or the claimant gets "nothing".
Those are your choices!
What kind of sicko "Sieg Heil" sociopath would come up with such a horribly sick and demented plan? Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, Guy Kerr.

"Seig Heil" is an appropriate salute to Guy Kerr, given his sick string of abusive accomplishments. I always put my finger under my nose and give a fake "Seig Heil" salute when I pass any Alberta Government offices, or the legislature. Or when ever I see one of their crony Gov. reps on the television. It signifies that I fully recognize my government as a fascist government.

Who else could be responsible for such a obviously fraudulent designed practice? A practice which is designed to load the gun that will be put to your head once you enter the Workers Compensation Appeals Commission Hearing.
The entire process at the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta Millard Health[WCB AB] is nothing more than an elaborate hoax designed to force a seriously physically wounded and injured worker walk through a deliberately "Booby Trapped" mine field of fraudulently designed legal tools. These cleverly designed hoax's are custom tailored by the WCB Alberta to make the claimant perform "Legal Suicide" on themselves.
Good Job Guy Kerr[sic], for robbing the futures of seriously injured workers who were complete functioning contributors to society before they fell into the cleverly laid Legal Mine Field laid out by the Workers Compensation Board Alberta[WCB AB].
Judgment Day is coming.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

WCB Alberta routinely uses their own "KOOK" doctors to defraud claimants of their WCB Pensions

This is a warning to all WCB AB Claimants. The Workers Compensation Board of Alberta routinely lies to claimants about doctors that they claim are approved IME's. Then they "Set you up" to meet one of their idiot rent-a-docs.
These are doctors who drag down Monstrous pay checks to write bogus reports on your medical condition.
This is just one more fraudulent tool the WCB Alberta has in it's enormous bag of deceitful tricks designed to lure you into a sense of "proper procedure". When in fact these felonious WCB AB tactics are such a daily routine they laugh about it.
The WCB of Alberta particularly loves to bask in the warmth of their fraudulent practices with this trick, because it is designed to break the spirit of the most battle hardened seriously injured WCB Alberta claimant.

Premier Alison Redford is a really big fan of looking the other way when evidence of WCB Appeals corruption was dropped on her desk in the case of Penny Caron. So give up any ideas of the government of Alberta helping you. Or Ottawa for that matter, remember all conservative politicians are crooks, it really is that simple. The only doctors who are approved to do IME's in Alberta are here in this link
But as we all know, the WCB Alberta[Guy Kerr] believes that all Albertans are stupid. The WCB Alberta treats all of their claimants as if they were retards. So as such, the WCB Alberta does not believe that you have enough brain cells to call them out on their endless string of fraudulent practices ,designed to stress the seriously injured worker past the breaking point.
Shitty performance in any organization "ALWAYS" starts at the top. The only way this organization could be so fucked up is, because the sociopathic psycho in charge of this giant "FRAUD SCHEME" is a closet sociopath, amongst other things. I mean what kind of psychotic weirdo would go around knowingly defrauding seriously injured workers of medications, medical treatment and the right to a decent living after suffering a career ending injury?
Really! This is a valid question that needs answering. This person would have to be a sociopath who suffers from psychotic killer fantasies, most likely the descendant of the loonie Seig Heil's of WWII fame. Like, honestly, what kind fucked up individual is this person? It is my expert opinion that a psychological evaluation should be conducted on the person in charge of this operation. His boss, who is also a square head as well, is obviously in doubt as well, when it comes to the stability of his mental state. The Nazi's never really disappeared, they just immigrated to North America and had children, and they now run some of the most critical institutions in North America now. We like to call them government and large corporations. This is nothing new really, considering that in World WarII corporations like the "COORS"[In Canada: Now owns Molson Breweries]corporation, FORD Motor Co. were openly supportive of the NAZI's in WWII. Fascists wanting to rule the world is nothing new. The German Industrialists have been working at this for a Century now. The difference today is that ALL Fascists want things to remain exactly as they are right now. Since Stephen Harper has taken over, the fascist Right Wing Christian Fundamentalists have no fear, and can openly intimidate any opponents who want change. The Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist Fascist ideology is much more subtle today. The Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist Government is now a group of professionals who are experts at fixing an election. I am sure that some of these special skills were learned by hanging around with their {PC Association of Alberta} old pal, Hung Pham.
Hung Pham was world famous for his election ballot box scam, and for "never" being present in the chamber at the Alberta legislature. Hung Pham later resurfaces in Hanoi, Vietnam. Hung Pham is on the board of directors for the "CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL, HANOI", with his old scammer buddies the Aftergoods. And he has high powered friends like Dr. Lyle Oberg who will go to bat for his old Conservative Crony buddies. You should check out where all of our specialists from Alberta are going to be working when you cannot get a referral to one of them for years!! Get your Canadian International Hospital, Hanoi membership here!
Now, none of this would work unless you had a corrupt Justice Minister in your pocket, now would it? Dunt-tah-ta-dah! Poof! It is like magic, now lets make her Premier.
And now folks, you know the "Rest of the Story".
It wouldn't be so bad, but Premier Ed Stelmach appointed Hung Pham to the Alberta Treasury less than 2 years later!!! Like HELLO, if this does not ring alarm bells then I don't know what would. But hey, no worried mate, here in Alberta the entire Justice System is rigged. So there is no Justice. The Social Contract no longer exists, so as far as I can see this is wide open anarchy and you can do as you damned well please because none of the crooked cops, the crooked Justice Department members, or any of the crooked Conservative Politicians are going to do anything to help you. This is the reality in the dying days of 2011. Alberta and Canada are wide open pits of crooked government officials from top to bottom. Nobody in the government has even a tiny bit of accountability in their blood. The Justice Department in Alberta and soon to be in Ottawa are nothing more than giant "RUBBER STAMPS FOR CORPORATE CRIMINALS"!
So forget any ideas of taking these concerns to any elected Conservative official here in Alberta, they are all dirty.

Dr. Leslie DeLima is a WCB Medical Consultant @ The Royal Alexandra Hospital

Dr. Leslie DeLima is a Rent-a-doc for the Workers Compensation Board in the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton.

I don't care if you have to get off of your stretcher, and walk to the University Hospital, do it.

Do not get Spinal Surgery at the Royal Alexandra Hospital Orthopedic Surgery unit.
You have been warned!!
If you end up totally F/U for life, it is your own damned fault.

I am not playing nice with these assholes anymore, I am naming names of any crooked associates of the Alberta Government sponsored fraud organization known as the Workers Compensation Board. These sons-of-bitches{WCB Alberta} play mean, well you know what?
This is a two way street you are playing on.
You want to see mean, I can show you mean.
All of this is going on while all the super corrupt cops look on. The province of Alberta is saturated with crooked cops, right to the very top.
How do you think those cops up at Mayerthorpe ended up all dead?
Because the crooked cops are too busy partying with their corporate pals, that is how.
Crooked cops make me want to BARF!
What kind of sicko Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist Fascist Society are we living in?
Honestly, this is a valid question. Where crooked cops in every Police Department is acceptable?
Fuck, this is no better than Egypt, or Libya. Goddamn criminals are running this province!

Dr. Jiang & the Royal Alexandra Hospital take kickbacks from the WCB Alberta to "NOT" treat serious back injuries!

I have come to the conclusion that there is no other explanation that the Orthopedic Clinic, in association with Dr. Jiang and an unknown number of other orthopedic surgeons @ the Royal Alexandra Hospital are taking kickbacks from the Workers Compensation Board. The kickbacks to spinal surgeons are to guarantee that Trauma patients who have had complications to their back surgeries will "NEVER", ever receive any additional treatment for their severe back pain and complications.
It is actually worse than that though, considering that 5 months ago I was admitted to the Royal Alexandra Hospital with severe back pain, and Dr. Jiang and the Orthopedic clinic @ the Royal Alexandra Hospital will not even refer me to another Spinal Surgeon in Calgary or any other major medical center in Canada or the United States.
What possible other explanation could there be? I cannot even get an appointment with a Spinal Surgeon here in Alberta, thanks Alberta Health Services[sic].
DO NOT ALLOW them to take you to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, this is the Workers Compensation Boards preferred Hospital for seriously injured workers from Northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
Why? Because of kickbacks and pay-offs is the only conclusion I can come to.
I can see no other explanation for the behavior of the Orthopedic Clinic at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
It is my observation and conclusion that the Royal Alexandra Orthopedic Clinic is obviously paid to look the other way, when it comes to patients who complain about complications suffered because they had their back surgery done at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
I find it positively offensive that Dr. Jiang in collusion with the Orthopedic Clinic will stop and no expense to block my referral to a truly reputable and decent Orthopedic Surgeon or Clinic. This is the horrible reality of being seriously injured in the province of Alberta.
Because useless public servants like the people who run the Health Quality Council are all in collusion to guarantee that I will never get any further treatment and will die a horrible death as a direct result of living with untreated Chronic Pain for over 5 years.
Sad and pathetic, is all I can say about what has happened to Health Care in Alberta.
This is what the Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist's have created to medically treat, guess who? Them.

Monday, October 10, 2011

WCB Alberta is waiting for the next Patrick Clayton to walk in their door.

Absolutely nothing has changed at the WCB Alberta since Patrick Clayton took a gun into the Workers Compensation Board Edmonton and took a bunch of hostages, nothing, zip, nada.
It is just business as usual at WCB Alberta, screwing hard working Canadians out of any kind of medical treatment for their injuries. All the BS that has been pumped out by the Minister of Employment is really nothing more that a big giant heaping pile of Bullshit. He seems good at it.
Bullshitting I mean. As a labour minister he is good at ensuring that plane loads of temporary foreign workers will be doing most of the grunt work up at Ft. McStinky. Or Ft. McSpooge, or Ft. McCrack, whichever you prefer. As far as a labour minister who is good at putting forward progressive policies that will increase the safety of workers, he sucks. I mean he really does suck at his job. He is able to make empty promises, and deliver some convincing platitudes, full of empty BS and completely devoid of any kind of substance when it comes to worker safety or actually wanting to participate in any kind of meaningful change in Alberta. Change that will prepare the workers in this province for the challenges that are ahead in an ever increasingly competitive global work environment.