Brent McGillis: 06/01/2014 - 07/01/2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

Patient Bill of Rights and the WCB Medical Practictioners who SECRETLY troll AB Hospitals

Cops, firemen, military and government workers of course when they sustain an injury at work they fly right on past ALL other workers and are given #1 Priority and Care. This is why we have reached the point of "Us vs. THEM". These are the government employees (Doctors/Nurses) that are doting over more government workers, who are then immediately referred to the Glenrose rehabilitation Hospital even if they are a Cop with a broken leg. This is the Hellberta WAY!
  Alberta is actively operating a multi-level CLASS System of Medical Care, while telling you they are NOT. Welcome to the "New Industrial Heartland Reality" folks. You have been classified in a CLASS system, and just like in India; YOU are likely in the Bottom Class!
 WCB AB does not "disclose" to claimants that you have been referred to one of their WCB AB crony doctors. You only become aware of this when your wing-ding specialist starts doling out Quack diagnoses, and your Spidey senses become acutely aware of where this Quack diagnosis is leading.
 Injury Case Law has awakened us to the inherent patients' "right" to choose your his/her medical doctor or specialist. The only situation where the right to choose is not applicable is in a State that has legislated these legal powers to the Workers Comp in that State.
 Alberta has NO medical rights bill. As such the Alberta Health Services has NO minimum standard of care that you are entitled to when you land in a Trauma Center here in Alberta. Many U.S. States now have legislation in place, laying out the bare minimum standard of care that you can expect when you are delivered to a Trauma Center or Hospital.
 As such the WCB of Alberta works in direct collusion with the Alberta Health Services (AHS) to hack together a "plan" to deliver as CHEAP a level of care as they possibly can while you are laying there helplessly drugged up on Morphine.
 No doctor, hospital administrator, or WCB employee ever told me that was a WCB Hack.
 In the days that follow they will work in close careful planning to ensure that you are kicked out of the Hospital as Quickly as possible, even if there is NO CARE waiting for you at home or ANY planned. Unless you are a cop, a fireman or a government worker then you will receive top care and an actual referral to a legitimate rehabilitation facility like the Glenrose Hospital which just happens to be right ACROSS the street. If you are a regular Joe, you can go home and DIE as far as the Hospital Administration is concerned. This folks is the Hellberta WAY!
 It is my belief that the College of Physicians/Surgeons helped construct this medical system that is systemically corrupt and perverted in their treatment of the general public patients. The AB system is a perfect system if you NEED a CLASS system where the GRUNT workers (You) PAY for the Health Care benefits of Airplanes full of Temporary Foreign Workers flown here to take your jobs!
  If you are unfortunate enough to live through this high level of Medical corruption, you still will not yet be aware that the doctor who has operated on you is part of the WCB Hacks and Quacks Network. He is likely a fully functioning actuary of their Medical Practitioner Network or (MPN) as they are known by in the U.S.A. By no fault of your own doing you will now become a victim of the WCB Hacks and Quacks Network.
  The MPN Network of Alberta doctors is 100% Approved and backed by the Alberta College of Physicians; so forget about ever lodging a complaint to the ACPSA because that complaint goes straight into the paper shredder. I already got that bumper sticker. As far as I know the Government of Alberta has never actually legislated these extremely abusive POWERS to the Hospital Administration that specifically empowers Trauma Room operating Doctors to collude directly with the WCB of Alberta while you are conked out on morphine laying there naked. Why is is necessary for you to be fully unconscious on morphine while these crooked bastards are deciding on how severely they are going to physically abuse you by throwing you out of the hospital without proper medications or care in place for when you arrive at your home.

Is all of this corruption REALLY within the scope of powers controlled by a "Private Organization", the WCB?

 I have to rest, Chronic Pain leads to Chronic fatigue so more to come later........Thks for yr patience

Thursday, June 26, 2014

May 31st Decision by WCB of Alberta

 While I was trying to figure out who it is that teaches companies and corporations here in Hellberta how to dodge any kind of WCB injury claims while Injured Workers are on their site, I came across a company known as Intactix and came across an article that is unrelated but of significant importance none the less. The decision is about how WCB and employers here in Edmonton, Hellberta strip workers of their status as "workers".
 When you are seriously injured thus nullifying you ability to work, then WCB strips you of your status as a "worker" on top of NOT paying your legitimate claim to compensation removes all possibilities from workers to earn an income to support their families. Thus adding to the Harper ARMY of homeless persons.
 Being seriously injured at work and then severely abused at the hands of the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta in of itself is a horrific experience that I hope no worker in Canada should ever have to go through. Sadly since Harper and his conservative (PC) minions here in Alberta have so severely skewed the Laws and Legal system in Alberta to meet their own Corporate Greed Agenda thus turning Alberta into the NEW Industrial Heartland of Canada, a.k.a. TFW Reform Utopian Society.
 Since the Harper regime has focused all of the Federal Government resources directly into Hellberta, the possibility that as a Canadian looking for work, you will end up in Hellberta (Alberta) is very high. As a side effect of working in Alberta there is a very high possibility that you will eventually come face to face with the ugliness and corruption of the Alberta WCB.
 The ugliness of corruption in Alberta (Hellberta) pervades every single government orifice in this province including the AB Justice Department, it goes right to the very top. (Remember our Premier Ms Red-Ford, she was our Justice Minister in years past) Yes folks, even when a seriously injured worker took irrefutable evidence to the highest officer of our Judiciary System, she choose to look away. (Definition of corruption is: Looking the other way.) In my mind on that day the highest office of AB Judiciary had contravened the laws of Natural Justice.
 The amount of variables that are possible in the event of you being injured at work are wide. This massive divide in the list of possible abusive outcomes from the WCB AB is not revealed on their website. Au contraire, on their web page they paint a rosy picture of how you will be treated.
 The terrible reality is that if you have what the WCB of AB would classify as a minor injury, then you will likely be treated in a cordial fashion and your case will be dispensed in timely and respectful manner to all participants involved, including your medical treatment team of professionals.

WCB AB Injury Classification A: Your injury is minor in scope, you will miss a Grand Total of LESS than 3 months at work. Injury Claim: Net Time Loss ≤ 3 months; you will be pleasantly surprised or perhaps even shocked at how fast your claim is expedited.

WCB AB Injury Classification B: Your injury claim is substantial in scope and will result in a Net Time Loss ≤ 6 months at work. Now things start to drag. Specialist referrals and critically necessary treatments are NOT being processed as quickly as you would like, but eventually they will get done if you have a legitimate advocate. Some of your referrals will be outright Cancelled by WCB of AB, not by your doctor or a legitimate non-WCB medical specialist. This is the point at which the WCB Hacks and Quacks Network begins to kick in to high gear.

WCB AB Injury Classification C: You have sustained a serious life threatening and a possible Career Ending Injury. Now you have reached the absolute LOWEST rung in the level of delivery of care that you can possibly reach as a newly badged "Victim" of the abuses of the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta. You cannot advance any lower down the Flintstones Drone Worker Ladder. 
Is this kind of Hospital abuse really within the scope of the WCB?
Is there any legal statute that would allow the WCB of AB Hacks and Quacks to Lie about their Identity and then to physically assault you in the hospital, WITH the approval of the AHS staff?
It is my conclusion that no is the answer to these critically important Legal questions.

 I have to rest, Chronic Pain leads to Chronic fatigue so more to come later........Thks for yr patience

Saturday, June 7, 2014

WCB and Social Media like Facebook etc.

The one thing that has stuck out in my mind about the death of my AB WCB Claims Manager Wendee Hockney under the wheels of a Garbage Truck, is that after her death someone set up a Facebook page to honor the memory of dear old Wendee. It seems that some of her co-workers at the WCB, including an analyst co-worker even posted pics from their office inside the WCB Alberta concrete Bunker in downtown Edmonton. Another one of her facebook friends paying condolences even had drunken Facebook party pics from some bar and where one of the berieved even had a pic of "The Bitches Club" getting all hammered up in celebration for being "Bitches"(Wow). Disturbing stuff for the people who are empowered with the Fiduciary Duty to Accomodate legitimately entitled AB WCB Seriously Injured Workers, and it is frightening to know that these women are responsible for dispensing WCB benefits and Medical Treatments. The memorial Facebook Page now has since restricted access to her memorial page, after requesting help from her friends to make the webpage "SECRET". This is the kind of mental malaria  the WCB Alberta is spreading to an ever widening portion of the public. This organization (WCB) is Injecting fascist ideology into the general population, and selling it as acceptable behavior.
  I think that even more disturbing is the fact that WCB Employees live in such fear of other Canadians finding out that they are in fact WCB Employees.
 The Workers Compensation Board of PEI even posts a directory of their employees; as they should. In Alberta the WCB of Alberta employees hide like BUGS. 99 per cent of WCB Alberta employees LIE about who their employer is; eg: They will say that they (WCB Employees) Work for a department of the Government. It lends a little more credibility to their shaky status as a human being. WCB Alberta employees are TRAINED by the SAME government contractors hired to teach AB Government Employees to ERASE all traces of their presence on Social Media like Facebook, twitter, etc. You can spot WCB Facebook pages immediately because they have NO friends, and there is NO pictures of them interacting with other human beings.
 Look new job openings for people who have a special knack for abusing clients to death, literally! 
  I find it deplorable that there are people who are capable of such subversion and deception that they will barefaced LIE to their friends, neighbors and business acquaintances. Because companies like CGI are sharing data across government domains with absolutely NO authority to do so as they are in violation of privacy laws; the WCB of AB has access to ALL information about Injured claimants.
  They have ALL of our private DATA, but yet the WCB employees hide like bugs. They are like cockroaches that only come out at night and scatter when someone shines a light on them. More disturbing is the fact that they allow this infectious WCB Alberta Disease to INFECT their entire extended families as well. They instruct their own family members to use maiden or remarried names spreading the WCB Alberta mutagen across their family trees. The WCB bogus Injury Insurance Corporation operates like Nazi SS, very similar to Masked secret police forces in Fascist totalitarian countries throughout history. This is WHY the Workers Compensation is a criminal organization.
Legalized Gangsterism is what I see, it is pure and simple.
  A shitty run corporation ALWAYS begins at the top! The WCB of Alberta is rife with corruption, and overflowing with fraudulent business practices. This means that Guy Kerr knew about this criminal behavior, maybe he even helped design these fraudulent techniques, who knows for sure? We do know that he knows about these WCB Fraud Techs for YEARS and did nothing. This by default makes him a criminal is my opinion. The WCB of Alberta is nothing more than Government a legalized FRAUD organization legitimized by bogus Government of Alberta Justice Department. When the people at the top know about these fraudulent abuses and do nothing, that is by definition a Government sponsored fraud organization.
The RCMP knows about this gangsterism going on and does NOTHING! This makes the RCMP just one more criminal organization is my opinion.

RCMP refusing to investigate is Government GANGSTERS covering UP for Government Gangsters. RCMP is no better than the crooks they "claim" to protect us from, rubbing out their competition. I am willing to bet that the Cops have killed more Canadians than were killed in the Korean War since the Harper government has been elected. Of course the Government collects NO STATISTICS on the number of Canadians they murder, right?

 Same with the City Cops in Edmonton and Calgary, it is no secret that these Police organizations are rife with corruption we read about it every WEEK in the newspapers! The CPS and the EPS also refuse to investigate WCB corruption. Government Gansters looking out for Government Gangsters!
It is still not a crime to have an opinion in this country; YET.
 This is disturbing how the Progressive Conservatives have spread their corruption throughout the economy of Alberta. Hellberta is now just one big giant seething Hellpit of corruption and despair, I want out of this Toxic Environment. Humans were never intended to live this way in a Democracy.
 The phony disguise of Democracy has been ripped off the face of the true Fascism that lays beneath here in Edmonton, Hellberta (Alberta).

WCB of Alberta has a Duty to Accomodate

Within the whole hopelessly warped Mind Games that the Workers Compensation Board has put in place to deliberately insulate itself from the group known as Seriously Injured Workers, lies one inextricable ideal; and that is that the Board has been given the powers to adjudicate Workers Compensation claims. With these powers as a completely botched arm of the Judiciary in Alberta, comes the responsibility and the Duty to Accomodate. That is their (WCB AB) duty, not mine. The responsibility lies solely on their shoulders as a fiduciary body responsible for dispensing the monies accrued by collecting Billions and Billions of dollars each year on the backs of ALL workers in Alberta. This ideal goes back to the days of the Constitution Act of 1982. Embedded in the Constitution Act were certain rights 
Section Fifteen of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that Gurantee that Canadians are aforded certain personal rights. Included in these human rights
Under the heading of "Equality Rights" this section states:
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
      (2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Comments on WCB Claims Manager run over by Garbage Truck

It has come to my attention that some of Wendee Hockney's work associates are upset that I am elated at the passing of one of my WCB of Alberta tormentors. Well Boo-Hoo, suck it up princess this is real life happening before your very eyes. If you worked with Wendee at the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta then you too are complicit is the needless torture and torment of Seriously Injured Workers.
This means that you TOO were cashing cheques on my Back; My Broken Back to be precise.

Because that is what is at the heart of the wanton abuse of Seriously Injured Workers by the WCB Alberta, it is 100% avoidable and totally unnecessary! The Workers Compensation Board has within its ranks the ability and the will to change the way it treats Seriously Injured Workers, but they choose to continue the taunting, the tormenting and the willful abuse of people who have been seriously mangled and disfigured at work by NO fault of their own.
 This is an embedded culture of seriously mentally deranged humans exacting payback on humans who they have never met for some kind of inbred abuse they suffered in their previous life in the Trailer Park, and their unsatisfied jobs and human relationships. Employing Claims Managers who are naturally leaning towards suffering from varying degrees of Schadenfreude is a very troubling hiring practice that can only have one outcome: Prematurely Deceased Seriously Injured Workers.
 I cursed these bastards years ago, it seems to be paying dividends by rubbing out some of these EVIL Government empowered tormentors. I recieve calls every week from other Seriously Injured Workers doing a big Celly, their first response is typically; "Are you serious", I respond, "Yup, true story this really happened". I hope the entire gang rots in Hell is my personal opinion.

 Hitler built an entire empire around torturing and murdering humans, while all of the Right Wing Pundits DENIED it was even going on. The ongoing needless torture of Seriously Injured Workers in the fastest growing province of Hellberta is no different.