Sunday, May 25, 2014
Cyclist killed in Edmonton, WCB Claims Manager Wendee Hockney who enjoyed torturing Brent McGillis. Caring for Humans NOT part of her work ethic. Part of PC Self-Entitlement Culture.
It is not my place to make judgement, God takes care of those duties for me. I was reading the news story of a bicycle accident that took the life of a WCB Claims Manager Wendee Hockney It seems Wendee was run over by a Garbage Truck, which in of itself seems so ironic. This is simply a case of Karma coming to bite you. A thunder clap rolled across downtown just as I began reading the story. I was in disbelief that Wendee Hockney felt that a Seriously Injured Worker who had fallen and broken his back in an Industrial Accident 8 years ago, was in no way qualified for any kind of medical benefits to treat his severe and horrific Chronic Pain that he has suffered with for all these years. There is not one (1) single WCB of Alberta Claims Manager who does NOT know who Brent McGillis is and how I was injured at work, they ALL KNOW that I am severely injured living on AISH and have been unable to work for years now. Are WCB Employees naturally emotionally this hollow with suppressed feelings of taking their anxieties out on the human race like Elliot Rodger in California The WCB of Alberta naturally assigns the worst old snag CM's suffering from severe philogynistic schadenfreude tendencies to look after my claim. Does the WCB AB have a psychological exam that exposes persons with this kind of personality disorder, that they (WCB) can exploit and use to maximize their employees natural inbred personality disorders to medically TORTURE potential claimants? Or does the WCB of Alberta actually mentally disease their employees and turn them into these medical abuse horror monsters? Does the WCB of Alberta simply operate on the standard Alberta Threats and Intimidation Tar Sands corporate employment model? PRODUCE Low Claims or you're fired/If you report any Dead Ducks: YOU are fired! Not likely in this case as her children report how happy she was, obvious overexcitement from cashing Brent McGillis WCB of AB issued BONUS CHEQUES for medically abusing me is my guess. How Ironic I thought, there must be a God if he is wacking WCB Employees. Mr. Guy Kerr is next on God's list for divine Justice to punish Evil in this world. WCB of Alberta is nothing more than a glorified Ponzi Scheme that forces all small and medium sized companies to carry the bulk of the financial costs for Seriously Injured Workers, and thus rewarding the Transnational Foreign Owned Oil Companies with the LOWEST Workers Comp costs in North America. It is the Hellberta WAY!
Workers Compensation Board denies me Chiropractic Care
Recently I had asked at my doctors office if I could see the Clinic's Chiropractor for some relief from the horrific Chronic Pain that floods my life every single day with constant and unending Back Pain. I cannot sleep most nights because of the constant waves of back spasms that roll across my back like waves on an ocean, and that permeate my life constantly. My very first back injury that I suffered while working on the Edmonton Journal back in 1990 was treated by my Chiropractor Dr. Colin Mcleod who passed on a few years back. The Workers Compensation Board Millard back then operated on the same base tactics of Threats and Coercin to force Injured Workers back to work, rather then treat them. Dr. McLeod was able to successfully treat me and I did not receive one penny from WCB Alberta for 3 months. After The WCB of AB deemed that I had fully recovered from my back injury, the WCB of Alberta then sent me a letter stating that I was now fully responsible for the maintenance of my back care. I was horrified and showed the letter to my Chiropractor, he told me not to worry about it . I paid for every single one of my Chiropractic visits for the next 15 years of my working career out of my own POCKET. The only thing that kept me working for all those years WAS my Chiropractor. Colin McLeod was a good man and a terrific Chiropractor, may God Rest his soul. Every single time I got hurt at work and re-injured my back I would go see my Chiropractor even if I was hundreds of miles out of town working. I would get my employer to drive my direct to Edmonton, I would NOT file a WCB Claim and would simply pay my chiropractor out of pocket for my treatments until I was able to return to work. I would make no claim for loss of wages because every non-government working person in Alberta knew what kind of horrific KLUGE administrative mess that would turn into. In Hellberta it is NOT worth the effort to make any kind of claim against the Workers Compensation Board. It is a well known fact then and remains to this day that if you do the Workers Compensation Board will intentionally BANKRUPT you and most likely turn you into a homeless person. I know what it is to become a homeless victim of the Workers Compensation Board after I fell and broke my back at work. I know first hand what it is to be FORCED into homelessness by the WCB of Alberta for the WCB Crime of getting Injured @ Work. It is impossible to put into words the Horror and the Panic that I felt as a Disabled Person and a Seriously Injured Worker on the day you become homeless because of the actions of the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta. I was grateful for the fact that when I was working that I still had the ability to work and to be financially CAPABLE to pay to see the Chiropractor and get some relief from my horrific back pain, that is no longer the case. I was turned down by Wendee Hockney for even a second visit at the Chiropractor. Even AISH or Welfare will pay for up to 6 Chiropractic visits per year, WCB = 1 visit and then you are DENIED by Wendee Hockney. This entire WCB of Alberta is NOT a legitimate form of Workers Comp organization, it has reached the level of ABSURD Fraud Scheme! The WCB of Alberta is a FRAUD organization that is 100% committed to Medically TERRORIZING its victims (Claimants). Need proof? See:
Saturday, May 10, 2014
3 Alberta Mounties injured in St. Paul confrontation
Unlike regular working stiffs, the RCMP will receive the BEST CARE that
is available in Alberta for their injuries. They will NOT be subjected
to non-treatment and denial of the most basic of Trauma Room diagnostic
imaging. These officers will NOT suffer significantly in pain or for
medical attention, and as such will be showered with an overkill of
medical diagnostics and treatments for their injuries. Regular Joe
citizens do NOT receive this hightened level of medical attention,
and as such since Alberta does NOT have a basic patient Bill of Rights
for Trauma Room standards the WCB of Alberta can initiate their WCB
Network of Hacks and Quacks to deny regular working Albertans proper,
timely and relevant medical care when they are injured and become a
victim of the AHS approved Hacks trolling the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
Since the RAH hospital is the designated WCB training facility hospital
in Northern Alberta, the Hospital Administration in concert with AHS
allows WCB Hack doctors to TROLL the hospital denying Seriously Injured
Workers medical treatments and assaulting patients at will; ALL of these
abusive actions by WCB Hacks and Quacks is 100% Alberta Health Services
APPROVED. So I find it hard to feel sorry for these officers, because they get the best medical treatment that I never will. Thousands
of AB workers risk and many LOSE their lives every day, and many thousands are maimed and mangled. It is a basic
fundamental Human Right that EVERY working person has the right to
return home safely from their place of work. It is an even greater
fundamental human right that they NOT be subjected to 3rd Class Medical
Treatment, and that ordinary Seriously Injured Workers not be physically assaulted by WCB Hacks and Quacks while lying helplessly drugged on morphine in the care
of a Government run hospital. This abusive treatment SCALE of treatment is a form of
discrimination based on the fact that the most of us are NOT cops,
firemen or government workers; yet we are reduced to the level of 3rd
Class citizen by Alberta Health Services and the Workers Compensation
Board of Alberta. It ain't right.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
It's time we protected our farm workers
I am shocked and dismayed that Graham Thompson would write an article in support of the Alberta Workers Compensation Board repeated attempts to RAILROAD farmers into being sucked into the WCB Alberta bogus benefits scheme for seriously injured workers.
I will not include DEAD Workers in this discussion since the WCB Alberta pays such a ridiculous amount for dead workers that it is not even worth mentioning. I remember the man in Calgary who had to bury his son who was killed in a trench accident in Calgary, he was disgusted that WCB only paid $5000 for his deceased son who was killed as a direct result of poor safety practices and training. I can not state the obvious as well as your sister paper the Calgary Herald expose did on dead and seriously injured workers, and how the AB government is impotent because they have no balls to take on the Construction Industry in Alberta. The Worked to Death series by the Herald discusses in great length the severe impotence of the Alberta Labor Ministry and its Minister to take any real action and make companies suffer any real consequence as a result of Killing and Maiming thousands of workers in recent years here in Alberta.
Why would you want to watch the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta drag the farmers into such a farcical Guy Kerr over dramatization of a real Workers Comp Organization? Guy Kerr is STILL Bonusing for KILLING Alberta workers and maiming thousands more.
The WCB of Alberta is run very much like a "Ponzi scheme"; the only way you can make a ponzi scheme work is if you continue to SUCK new potential victims (Farmers) into your scheme. The WCB of Alberta scheme is set-up so that small and medium size businesses carry the BULK of all of the costs of treating injured workers. More precisely the injured workers that they CHOOSE to help!
In reality, the Farmers of Alberta are already paying for Seriously Injured Workers with their Tax dollars to support Injured Workers who are on AISH because WCB AB refuses to help them.
The bulk of WCB of Alberta's focus is dedicated to generating armies of homeless people that have been injured at work. Since it is impossible to find a Lawyer to represent you in WCB matters in Alberta, confused injured workers are forced onto the Alberta AISH system. These Alberta Government policies has the PC's Parties desired effect of DOWNLOADING Seriously Injured Workers on to the Tax Burden of Albertans in the AB WCB bogus Workers Comp scheme.
I did actually manage to get the Balazs Law Office to look at my case and they even went so far as to Write a legal opinion for Legal Aid of Alberta. Oddly the Balazs Law Office refused to take my case to Appeal, leaving me in a lurch searching once again for a Lawyer to take my case. Then I had to wait for Legal Aid to assign me another lawyer. After Legal Aid has assigned me a new lawyer, my WCB of Alberta Claims Manager refused to release my Chronological files to my Lawyer. After this smozzle by Legal Aid my Lawyer died suddenly. By this time the 1 yr limit for appeal had long expired. I told this to Legal Aid and they finally assigned me a new Lawyer who told me not to worry about it. All of these events were of no fault of mine, after legal Aid floundered for months to find me another Lawyer. By this time much time had passed and by the time another lawyer was found Legal Aid had informed me that because of the Alison Redford increase in AISH benefits the girls at the front desk of Legal Aid told me that I would be no longer eligible for Legal Aid.
So there it is, I am locked in a catch 22 with no possible resolution of my case, ever. I have given up on waiting for government agencies that are all in cahoots to see my case fail. I did not create these conditions, the government of Alberta did. I cannot even get the WCB of Alberta to pay for a bed.......I fell and broke my back and I cannot get a BED! How absurd is that? I have tried twice. I recently just wanted some kind of relief for my chronic back pain and was promptly DENIED. Did you know that even people on WELFARE are entitled to at least 6 chiropractic visits per year?
But if a seriously injured worker requires some help from an approved medical provider in the province of Alberta he is flatly and swiftly DENIED by the WCB of Alberta! AISH supports me and pays for all of my medications because WCB Alberta is such a horrific JOKE. How can any self respecting journalistic writer support this bogus Injured Worker organization? Worse yet, is how can you advocate for the farmers to be dragged into this bogus scheme? I would much rather fight an employer in a legitimate court of Law any day, rather than be abused at the hands of such a horrible Government sponsored Fraud organization. The minister for the WCB was still listed as a director of his Injured Worker Advocate company for many months "AFTER" he was appointed to the position originally. In any other province in Canada there would be public outrage at the complicity of key government figures in private enterprises that they are the Minister responsible FOR! Not in Hellberta, nope it is just another day of business as usual for the Party of Self Entitlement the PC's.
I will not include DEAD Workers in this discussion since the WCB Alberta pays such a ridiculous amount for dead workers that it is not even worth mentioning. I remember the man in Calgary who had to bury his son who was killed in a trench accident in Calgary, he was disgusted that WCB only paid $5000 for his deceased son who was killed as a direct result of poor safety practices and training. I can not state the obvious as well as your sister paper the Calgary Herald expose did on dead and seriously injured workers, and how the AB government is impotent because they have no balls to take on the Construction Industry in Alberta. The Worked to Death series by the Herald discusses in great length the severe impotence of the Alberta Labor Ministry and its Minister to take any real action and make companies suffer any real consequence as a result of Killing and Maiming thousands of workers in recent years here in Alberta.
Why would you want to watch the Workers Compensation Board of Alberta drag the farmers into such a farcical Guy Kerr over dramatization of a real Workers Comp Organization? Guy Kerr is STILL Bonusing for KILLING Alberta workers and maiming thousands more.
The WCB of Alberta is run very much like a "Ponzi scheme"; the only way you can make a ponzi scheme work is if you continue to SUCK new potential victims (Farmers) into your scheme. The WCB of Alberta scheme is set-up so that small and medium size businesses carry the BULK of all of the costs of treating injured workers. More precisely the injured workers that they CHOOSE to help!
In reality, the Farmers of Alberta are already paying for Seriously Injured Workers with their Tax dollars to support Injured Workers who are on AISH because WCB AB refuses to help them.
The bulk of WCB of Alberta's focus is dedicated to generating armies of homeless people that have been injured at work. Since it is impossible to find a Lawyer to represent you in WCB matters in Alberta, confused injured workers are forced onto the Alberta AISH system. These Alberta Government policies has the PC's Parties desired effect of DOWNLOADING Seriously Injured Workers on to the Tax Burden of Albertans in the AB WCB bogus Workers Comp scheme.
I did actually manage to get the Balazs Law Office to look at my case and they even went so far as to Write a legal opinion for Legal Aid of Alberta. Oddly the Balazs Law Office refused to take my case to Appeal, leaving me in a lurch searching once again for a Lawyer to take my case. Then I had to wait for Legal Aid to assign me another lawyer. After Legal Aid has assigned me a new lawyer, my WCB of Alberta Claims Manager refused to release my Chronological files to my Lawyer. After this smozzle by Legal Aid my Lawyer died suddenly. By this time the 1 yr limit for appeal had long expired. I told this to Legal Aid and they finally assigned me a new Lawyer who told me not to worry about it. All of these events were of no fault of mine, after legal Aid floundered for months to find me another Lawyer. By this time much time had passed and by the time another lawyer was found Legal Aid had informed me that because of the Alison Redford increase in AISH benefits the girls at the front desk of Legal Aid told me that I would be no longer eligible for Legal Aid.
So there it is, I am locked in a catch 22 with no possible resolution of my case, ever. I have given up on waiting for government agencies that are all in cahoots to see my case fail. I did not create these conditions, the government of Alberta did. I cannot even get the WCB of Alberta to pay for a bed.......I fell and broke my back and I cannot get a BED! How absurd is that? I have tried twice. I recently just wanted some kind of relief for my chronic back pain and was promptly DENIED. Did you know that even people on WELFARE are entitled to at least 6 chiropractic visits per year?
But if a seriously injured worker requires some help from an approved medical provider in the province of Alberta he is flatly and swiftly DENIED by the WCB of Alberta! AISH supports me and pays for all of my medications because WCB Alberta is such a horrific JOKE. How can any self respecting journalistic writer support this bogus Injured Worker organization? Worse yet, is how can you advocate for the farmers to be dragged into this bogus scheme? I would much rather fight an employer in a legitimate court of Law any day, rather than be abused at the hands of such a horrible Government sponsored Fraud organization. The minister for the WCB was still listed as a director of his Injured Worker Advocate company for many months "AFTER" he was appointed to the position originally. In any other province in Canada there would be public outrage at the complicity of key government figures in private enterprises that they are the Minister responsible FOR! Not in Hellberta, nope it is just another day of business as usual for the Party of Self Entitlement the PC's.
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