Brent McGillis: WCB Millard routinely forges documents!

Monday, September 26, 2011

WCB Millard routinely forges documents!

This is a warning to all injured workers, when you are admitted to the WCB Millard Health Center, the WCB Millard regularly and with impunity, will forge medical documents to deny WCB AB benefits to seriously injured workers.
So beware!
Do not leave this facility {Millard Health Center} or any of their kooky, rent-a-docs offices without the doctors report in your hand. If the doctor cannot provide you with the report at that moment then have him fax or e-mail it to you. Or return the next day and get it.
Because the WCB Millard people working in conjunction with the Claims managers will "FORGE" the doctors report by inserting all of their own text, and then send this to you denying you benefits.
This is a routine practice at the WCB Alberta's Millard Health Center.
Alberta is a fascist run state, so don't worry about the crooked government or any of the crooked cops that saturate this province coming to investigate.
Give that idea up right now, since Alison Redford the corrupt lawyer will never investigate the WCB Millard Health Center or the Alberta Workers Compensation Board, EVER!
Alison Redford is one of them!
In my mind you cannot convince me this broad is not corrupt right to the very core. She is a conservative and in my mind they are all crooks. Besides, a injured worker friend of mine took all of their evidence of the corruption going on even at the WCB Appeals Commission, and Alison Redford returned a hand signed letter saying their was "NO Evidence".
Typical Conservative Party of Alberta response.

If you know about corruption and you look the other way, "YOU ARE CORRUPT!"
And now all the greedy conservatives have elected HER as the leader of our province.

Democracy is dead in Alberta!
Justice is dead in Alberta!
The separation of the Judiciary and the Executive office of the Government no longer exists.
Thus, this can only mean that the "Social Contract is dead!"
So, really, it is every man for himself in the new world order community that has been created by the fascists in Alberta.
Read about what happens when the "Social Contract" is broken in the study of English Common Law.

Lets look at the evidence, oh hey guess what the Premier of Alberta Alison Redford a former lawyer and top Judiciary official as her first official act of corruption decides that she will go ahead and suspend the legislature.
On who's authority? The fascists?
Really this is no surprise to me, given that I have seen the evidence of her corrupt ways with my own eyes.
So give up any ideas you have of the cops, the Justice System or any of the 100 useless MLA's every helping you with allegations of forgery, corruption, manipulation of documents or evidence here in the province of Alberta.
No matter which part of the world you come from you will be able to spot the corruption that carpet blankets the province of Alberta immediately.
It is universal, conservatives are corporate crooks worldwide. It does not matter which country in the world they come from conservatives are crooks, plain and simple.
You do not need a education to be able to see what is really going on here.
This is Hellberta, and even the highest legal office in the land the Premier's office will not help you.
Why? Because a conservative lawyer occupies that office!
And guess what? She is not taking any questions, "ESPECIALLY" if they are from legally elected representatives of the voting public!!
This place is just like Brazil, Columbia, name any crooked country in the world and that is Canada now. This is the new reality of living in Canada, the largest safe house for crooked conservative despots in North America.
Corporations run Canada now, and their head puppet despot is propped up by big Oil companies.

By obtaining the reports from even doctors or specialists that are not within the confines of the WCB Millard Health Center, you will have an accurate record of what the doctor really wrote.
So then you have got them, give up any ideas that you have of prosecuting these criminals, because here in the province of Alberta, our judiciary system is so corrupt that this kind of crime will never see the light of day because of the crooked Alberta Justice Department.
However, this will be a useful tool for you to file an appeal with.
So, to review, no matter which doctor you go to please remember to ask for a copy of his report before you leave. Even if you have to wait for it.
It is the only way to insulate yourself from the crooked devious tricks of the Alberta Workers Compensation Millard Health Center.

Good Luck and Godspeed.

1 comment:

  1. I am a woman who was injured while working as a secretary for a welding company 20 years ago. The wheel broke on my chair and I was thrown to the ground and then impaled in the back by the broken metal leg. Although xrays were taken that day, it was 6 months later after agonizing pain that another doctor discovered by tailbone was floating in two pieces. I have been to Court twice. The WCB lawyer states I should be compensated but I have never received a cent. The lady lawyer for the appeals commission writes: "I pray that this woman be charged with costs." What kind of person would pray for such evil to occur? I am currently doing my MA in Alberta and my topic is The WCB Injury to Insult. Thank you for your informative website.


    Anne Kelly
