Brent McGillis: Dr. Leslie DeLima is a WCB Medical Consultant @ The Royal Alexandra Hospital

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dr. Leslie DeLima is a WCB Medical Consultant @ The Royal Alexandra Hospital

Dr. Leslie DeLima is a Rent-a-doc for the Workers Compensation Board in the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton.

I don't care if you have to get off of your stretcher, and walk to the University Hospital, do it.

Do not get Spinal Surgery at the Royal Alexandra Hospital Orthopedic Surgery unit.
You have been warned!!
If you end up totally F/U for life, it is your own damned fault.

I am not playing nice with these assholes anymore, I am naming names of any crooked associates of the Alberta Government sponsored fraud organization known as the Workers Compensation Board. These sons-of-bitches{WCB Alberta} play mean, well you know what?
This is a two way street you are playing on.
You want to see mean, I can show you mean.
All of this is going on while all the super corrupt cops look on. The province of Alberta is saturated with crooked cops, right to the very top.
How do you think those cops up at Mayerthorpe ended up all dead?
Because the crooked cops are too busy partying with their corporate pals, that is how.
Crooked cops make me want to BARF!
What kind of sicko Right Wing Christian Fundamentalist Fascist Society are we living in?
Honestly, this is a valid question. Where crooked cops in every Police Department is acceptable?
Fuck, this is no better than Egypt, or Libya. Goddamn criminals are running this province!

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