Brent McGillis: HealthPointe/ CBI uses their MONOPOLY for Spine Injury treatment in Edmonton to DENY Seriously Injured Workers Treatment

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

HealthPointe/ CBI uses their MONOPOLY for Spine Injury treatment in Edmonton to DENY Seriously Injured Workers Treatment

The final realization of the true scope of how far reaching the HealthPointe-CBI Health Group [Canadian Back Institute] truly is became shockingly apparent on the day that I went for my appointment with the Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Strathcona Community Hospital back in March of 2015. After examining me and recommending some stretches the Orthopedic Surgeon at the Ambulatory Clinic Dr. Joshua Thambiraq suggested that I BUY a book that was published and written by none other than CBI (Canadian Back Institute) on back pain!

If reading a goddamned book would end my Chronic back pain, I would read 10 books a week!

 I was horrified once again at the outrageous stupidity of the Alberta Health Services and their enslavement to the CBI, HealthPointe Monopoly on Orthopedic Surgery in the Edmonton region. I was instantly mortified that no matter where I go in Alberta I am haunted by this Canadian run spin-off of the giant American Corporation that clearly controls Orthopedic referrals in the Capital Region.
 This is the success story of Progressive Conservative Health Care Privatization, this is what it looks like and this is what happens to you when a corrupt Health Care provider that takes kick-backs from the WCB of Alberta to DENY Seriously Injured Workers ACCESS to ALL Care!

This is the end product of decades of Ralph Klein-ism gone awry, this is what the face of Privatization of Health Care services in Alberta looks like. This is what happens when ONE American Corporation is given the free reign and this is what Alberta Health Services CORRUPTION LOOKS LIKE!
 I am a victim of this out of control corruption that is deeply embedded within the AHS government agency. As such, the standard vehicle of corruption is money, this implies that there are career health scare workers within AHS accepting kick-backs for helping ensure that ONLY the "Desirable Patients" get proper referrals to the best specialists in Edmonton, and the patients that these crony Health Scare workers guarantee that Seriously Injured Workers like myself will NEVER EVER receive proper, timely and relevant treatments.
 And that folks is where the discrimination against Seriously Injured Workers in Alberta is cleverly and efficiently run via the AHS Electronic Records Management. It is my opinion that the Electronic Records Management never was about giving YOU better care, it was always about DENYING care to patients. Undesirable patients that the AHS/WCB Corruption Team seeks to drive these patients straight to their early graves, for the Alberta Crime of getting hurt at work!
 If you (AHS) are going to discriminate against disabled and identifiable groups, then what better vehicle than and electronics record system where a single little letter flags are easily camoflauged to the unknowing patient. 


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