Brent McGillis: NEWSFLASH: WCB I am DISABLED, got it?

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Newsflash: WCB Alberta, I Brent Mcgillis am disabled.
 This message is for brain dead WCB jack offs that pretend to be in a position of power in their bogus role as some kind of supervisor of WCB Claims Managers (CM), who would ensure that Seriously Injured Workers would be treated in a manner befitting a worker who has sustained a Career Ending Injury at work.
 Haha ha, what a cruel joke to play on Seriously Injured Workers. WCB Supervisors are DRUNKS that party with the PUNISHMENT CREW of extra cruel Claims Managers. These Claims Managers and their bogus Supervisors are all TOP PERFORMERS.
 To be a Top Performer at the WCB of Alberta means that you as a Claims Manager have sent a large number of seriously injured workers to an EARLY GRAVE. That is how WCB Alberta really works, why else would desperate injured workers LIGHT themselves on fire in front of the WCB Edmonton Offices? Because DEATH is better than living with the WCB. Suicide is BETTER than the cruelty doled out by the WCB of Alberta.
 Looking at a picture of Guy Kerr and CURSING his entire family, and all of the EVIL bastards at the WCB before you end your own life is a BEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME for seriously injured workers.
 The WCB is so fucking phony, do you know why? They have to worlds MOST Uncomfortable CHAIRS in the world in their reception area. They don't want anybody coming to their offices for ANY reason, so they make it so fucking uncomfortable that I know I am never going back to their phony fuck show. These schadenfreude bastards are TOXIC to even be near these horrible people. Stay away from WCB people, their toxicity will seep into you and then you too will be an evil fucking distorted human that hates all humans who are NOT fully physically enabled.
 Don't even talk to these evil bastards, they do not deserve the time of day from a real human. So make sure you deny them their right to be treated in a fair and human manner, just ignore them when they speak to you. That is the best advice I can give when interfacing with these Self-entitled bastards.
 If they are your neighbor, just stop talking to them. Pretend you don't hear what your WCB neighbor is saying to you, that is how they treat Seriously Injured Workers, so be polite and just totally ignore them.

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